Thursday, November 10, 2005

Next Stage in the Project of Google Print

Google should not be cowed down by the fear of lawsuits and negative verdicts.

I do not have any idea about the American laws, American Judiciary and the Intellectual Property Right. One thing is sure that those books which have come into the public domain can be brought online. Whatever may be the verdicts, one thing is there, the Google Print will have enough books to bring online and this Project will not be shelved.

There is need to envisage a next future course of the Goolge Print. The very idea which prompted the Google Print to bring the books online is to provide the right content matter on the net. They want a "Counter to Nonsense" as Miland Brown had said.

It is a logical progress of the google Print project that they shall bring the unpublished doctoral thesis and research papers which lie dumped in universities libraries, department libraries and faculty stores. Those unpublished theses are storehouse of information which can prove decisive in this age of fast communication and exchange of information unhindered by geographical distances.

However, if the Google Print undertakes such a project of bringing the unpublished but approved thesis and dissertations on online, then again they will face strong opposition.

They will be opposed by Research Laboratories and university faculties. They will be again countered with argument of propriety, intellectual property rights and undue misuse of research funds at the expense of their efforts.

However, they may oppose Google print due to many other fears which many of them will never like to speak out but they know it will seal their fate and very existence. They will oppose them because their pseudo-intellectual hollowness will be exposed. They will fear that their act of plagiarism will be exposed and then they will be sued for infringing on the intellectual property rights of other scholars. They will fear that the emptiness and hollow research and claims to high intellectual achievements will be exposed. Many universities and research laboratories would cry hoarse shouting against bringing out the truths and secrets of their efficiency.

On the other hand, many publishers will join in as regular visitors to Google Print to find probable manuscript for their press and sale counter. They do not care to check and find the material worthy for printing. They expect that the writers should come to them and seek their kindness to get their work published. When such a work become business success then they can boost of promoting the author who had been pestering them sometime back and they had been behaving as imperious czars. However, soon they would visit the Google Print to find material to print in order to earn their bread and butter. The day will come when any good writer or researcher will directly publish on net and then where will these publisher go.

Google Print should definitely consider this proposal and send their scanning teams to Theses section of every university and Research Institute. It will also bring before the respective governments the need, the viability and significance of funding different research projects and different universities.

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