Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Shifting Paradigm

For some days, I had been planning to write a post. I will not reveal the title because I have already developed the idea. Now, I want to add punch to it by substantiating with some data or some type of authentication. However, before, I would have written the post and posted it, an event in Blogging career took place which has given me a slight kick. I believe that it is haughty on my part to claim the credit for that happening but well, I want to claim it.

I had been persuading Prof. Rajneesh Khanna, an author of some major text books and far ahead than me, for writing his blog. I had visited his place and prepared his blog. He liked the idea but somewhere, that shift and zest were not there. He did not take to blogging.

A couple of day back, he posted some of his original writings on the blog and tried to develop a new blog. No doubt, he was not able to create the new blog in the right manner. He rang me up and apprised me of the new postings. I checked the blogs and was elated to read the contents on it. It gave me a great boost to my ego. I felt proud that I had been able to initiate someone quite capable in pursuing an activity which would be useful to many. I do not know whether Rajneesh would give me credit or endorse it. However, after that, I forwarded his articles to some of the forums. He had also sought further guidance for developing his blog. He would visit my place for that. The whole event had just given me a great feeling.

It has also changed my outlook towards my activity on blogging. I did not like the idea of promoting the blog through different technical means. However, it was just by untentional act when I had placed links of my blogs on some of the directories and Wikis. I had not tried to promote my blog with any major game plan. After Rajneesh had joined in, I felt that as if I was definitely pursuing a meaningful activity. Now, I have desire to promote my blog. Earlier, I thought, I should continue to write on my blog and the contents of my blog by itself bring an audience for me. Now, I desire to make use of various devices which the experts in the field of IT are developing every day and putting them on the Internet.

I am in teaching. I have developed some teaching blogs also. However, I am loosing enthusiasm in promoting and developing them. I have started the blogging activity mainly to undertake that goal. I had learnt from other teacher’s blogs and forums that blogging could be used as an additional teaching tool and as an effective tool also. By now, I have become a partisan. I am devoting more time to my blog sumir-history and this very blog. The main reason is that the atmosphere of teaching world is very distressing. You look around yourself and find many such Phds who do not impress. They mainly act as manipulators. They do not attract for their scholarship. They are dominating because they are street smart. I find many of them scum of human depravity and a social peril. They have the position but they will only harm. On the other hand, this new technology has given an escape route to people like us. Yes, right, I call it an escape route. I consider those Phds with official position as more successful than us. I am in history and history tells a lot about such people. That is other thing, there is no value judgement about them. The final verdict is yet to be passed. However, there are enough examples which teach that they are being identified as the social and public peril. Any how, the migration of Rajneesh to this arena has given me a satisfaction and confidence. When I look around in the internet world, I find many of them like me performing their act and leaving their mark. Now I feel encouraged to continue with my activity. Rajneesh is not interested in doing Phd. I am also not interested. We do not want to join the buggers. We know that there are more paths which can be chalked out and treaded to great summits. We are pursuing such paths. We want to be smarter. Now, the only thing which is required is some success in our endeavours.

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