Sunday, July 23, 2006

Impact of Ban on Blogs

The ban on blogs through a clumsy action of the government of India may augurs good for the bloggers of India and their community. They have acquired a recognition which they already deserve. It was their due. However, it was denied to them for a long period.

A full-page article has appeared in the Chandigarh edition of Hindustan Times of July 23, 2006 on page 12. (Links are not available and secondly the site asks for registration which as a policy I now avoid to register with sites. I have now become choosy.)

It is heartening to read the article as it is titled as "The Big Story" and a whole page is devoted to it. But the exhilaration ends there and leaves you unsatisfied.

Therein a compiler has given an assortment of the contents of some bloggers and did not try to touch the real issue. That is other thing, that in the contents we find reference to the real issue.

The main issue was that the government of India had jumped the guns in the name of national security. It had gone against its own policies and claim of being the world’s biggest democracy. It had actually curtailed the right of freedom of expression which is assured by the constitution of India.

The article has not touched the real issue. It has not given any view on the happening except for calling it a "The Big Story". A blogger has written an article "There’s no Why". Then there are excerpts from Frodo Bloggin and RAMgee. On the right hand side, there is a set of questions which had been discussed again and again by many newspapers and magazines earlier also. A column is devoted to selective Indian celebrities of Blogging activity and also a six year history of blogging and different episodes since 2001. If I am right, this activity started in 1997 and since then, it is in news. Nowhere, it has tried to discuss that why was it a ‘Big Story’. However, this much is enough for Blogging activity and we all should be thankful to it.

It shows that the Print Media has started taking note of their younger brothers.

No No No! Please wait and permit me to say it differently. I am not suggesting that we the blogger are new journalists. But we are definitely a new medium which is bound to influence the opinion making process.

Anyhow, I foresee that it will not end here. One of the leading newspapers has given place to this activity. They have done it because somewhere they feel that it was New York Times and BBC which had given the right importance to the significance and peril of banning the blog which rather they should have done. Now they are on the correction and amending path. But they have given this task to some new editor. The editor has not been able to bring out the soul of the topic. He has remained confined to give an assortment. In other words, he has done what many of blogger do on their blogs. They borrow from the views of other bloggers and then add some of their comments and then post it as their own. This is what I usually do. No doubt, I write some original pieces also. (It is my blog and I can indulge in self-praise. (Blink)) Well, soon, some senior editor will take up this topic and start commenting on it. Let us wait for that day. This has already happened in America. During the last presidential elections in America, blogs were being watched with full attention. Later, many surveys and studies were published on the impact of the writing on blogs on the poll outcome. The verdict was not in the favour of blogging activity but this activity has acquired a place of respectability in communication Media. Now, every day, a new survey comes on the blogging and its different aspects. The same thing is now going to happen in India.

I remember an incidence. There was one senior colleague who had retired long back. Whenever he used to enter the staff room ( I am a lecture in a college.), he always tried to start a discussion on the latest political activity. It was annoying for many of our colleagues. They were involved in some serious problem concerning the day to day working of the college but this person always interrupted such serious talks and forced upon us a discussion on the political issue of the national level. Well, out of courtesy, some of us gave their opinion but the senior colleague always rejected and forced his opinion on us. When he was countered by equally knowledgeable colleagues in our faculty, he used to decide his case by telling that his opinion was even endorsed by the editorial of a local leading news paper. On this, once, one of other colleague commented on his back, that the person came every morning after reading that particular paper and then claimed the opinion expressed by the editor of that newspaper as his own. He did not know that there were other frontiers also and there could be other side of the story also.

Now the idea of narrating the above incidence here is to stress upon the significance of Blogging as it is emerging now as a new frontier of knowledge and opinion makers. In the recent Iraq War, it was the private blogs which came up with more information on the battlefield than the professional newspapers. They have made a mark in the field of dispersion of knowledge and information. No doubt, somewhere, the traditional print media consider them their competitor but it was when the print media started giving place to their piece of information in their editorial, that the activity of blogging acquired the status of respectability. It may be my opinion but I understand that it was how the blogging became important in the world of communication. Now this thing may happen in India also after it has found mention in newspapers after suffering ban on it. The print media did not respond earlier. It was mainly the foreign media which took up this issue in more forceful manner. The Indian Print Media may object to it but there is truth in the version which I am giving.

On whole, the ball has now started rolling in favour of blogging and it will definitely march on.

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