Saturday, July 15, 2006

Cough Problem with Blogspot

I am suffering from cough problem. Something wants to come out but it is stuck up somewhere in the neck. I have taken the medicine but the problem is persisting. It started somewhere on July 13, 2006. On the same day, the web sites, having the term ‘blogspot’ in their addresses stopped appearing. It was not confined to blogspot addresses also. Even the sites with address having type pad as a part of their address also got inflicted with the same problem. The login page of the blogger opens. Even the account page opens. But the web log containing the blogspot term is not opening. On the start up menu site of the blogger, the sites which are being upgraded are appearing. You click them and if there is no term blogspot in it, it will open. You find the icon and logo of Powered by Blogger on them. But the sites which contain that peculiar struck up term, keep on coughing but nothing comes.

I have watched that the login page with the login ID opens and even the account is opening. I am posting it to make a record of this happening. Let us see if it gets posted. Or I may reach the google people through it and they may look into this problem. Not my problem of cough but the one which I have mentioned about blogspot.

Just a few days back, when I had completed an article on the mutiny of 1824, somewhere, a bad thought crept in mind. I wondered and feared that someday it might happen that the whole Internet setup could collapse. I would then loose all my presentations, efforts, dump of links about different useful sites which are good source of information and material, the time spent on developing the each blog. It was really a nightmarish thought. Now, nearly for forty eight hours, my blogs are not opening. It is giving me fear and I cough more.

I had thought of writing a write up on those who migrate from one server to other. I have observed some of very good bloggers, writers and thinkers shifting their activity to different site. There was a site sega which started its own site but it seems that they are just blogging through different site. Then, just a half a dozen months back, Kevin of civil war memory shifted to type pad services. However, even his site is not opening. It means the type is also suffering from some ailment. Then there was Hindu Dharma site who had shifted to Word Press blogging.

Please do not think, that I am also migrating. Hey, I have just developed a space with ***. But I have not enjoyed it. They are also masters in their field but I am still comfortable with Bloggers. It was they who published my own space and learnt them quickly. It is no emotional thing but a very practical thing to say. It was easy to learn on Blogger. I just pray that it comes back soon. Some one was telling me that there was some problem with server being run on window nt. Well I do not understand much about it. I can only wish if there is some problem, the Bloggers and Googles may rectify it at the earliest. In the meantime, I read some more books as the new session is about start. I will be ready with more material and more search queries to explore the web.

Oh, My books, How Sweet you are. This new technology is suffering from cough problem every now and then.

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