Saturday, May 14, 2005


(Prefatory Note: It has been written a long time back.)
Saturday, July 21, 2001, India.
I just saw the Hubbell episode on the Discovery channel. It has left me spell bound. It has raised many questions and anxiety in mind. I am feeling a typical pain in my toes. I am feeling somewhat relieved. It is totally a different experience. I do not want to call it a mystic experience. It is some thing different. It is something beyond. It is something even different and more beyond than the mystic experience.
What is the total expense of the space? Where is it suspended?
I have jumped to a conclusion that mind lives. When you die and shed the body, one thing remains and that is mind.
I feel that all of us were just taking birth again and again. We learn a quantity of knowledge in one birth and continue to acquire more in our next birth. The process goes on.
The experience of Hubbell has also given a new feeling of time. It has also given a new variety of perceptions. It can be explained and learned thus. Suppose you learn the expanse of the space. How will it be communicated to you? What would be the words which could convey the extent of the space. What would be the feeling and perception, which will help you to understand that what the expense of the space, is. It will be called Hubbell perception.
Some people may like to say that it is infinity. Even the idea of infinity is also finite. The infinity of the space, if you were able to learn, would be different kind of infinity. It would be Hubbell infinity.
Here a Vedic concept becomes very useful. The truth which then will be learned be such that you have nothing to learn after that. What will be that question which would give me the right answer about the extent of the space?
Here again the limitation of language is revealed. The words together give a perception. But the words have never been able to give the right truth. It is the discrimination power of the brain which keep you goading for learning the truth.
Problem will rise that what would be that set of words which would convey the real expanse of the space? Suppose you learn that it is not an ending thing. Then, can you perceive that what would be that knowledge that tells you that space is wide and wide without any end? It will give you an illogical situation.
However do you not feel that logic is not the right science? It is just a view that a thing or thought can be logical. Space without a limit idea is something which can not be perceived. Is our brain just not framed to perceive such a knowledge?
The question of omnipotent, self created, time less, unbounded god seems in reality a definition of the space. We have clouded it by making it in the mould of man. He is shown powerful not because he is powerful, it is the desire and need of the weak and fearful man who requires that kind of thing; A powerful and all wish fulfilling identity. He may not be like that.
The expanse of space and creation and death of planets and stars out of the mass of gases and particles seems to be very provocative. It is thrilling. Some particles where moving around unbounded with each other. They came together and my earth was born. Then I was born. Every thing continues to happen. Today I have come and now questioning why all this is happening. I know that I will go away. But I start questioning the very existence of the world as if I am the biggest judge and authority who could question anything.
Can you imagine that what would have taken place in you mind while thinking about such an unconceivable idea – the extent of the space? Words are not capable to write and convey about that. But the idea as it exist in mind is true. The words are able to capture them. Suppose you learn about the last limits or the limitless extent of the space. What will be the form of the idea and knowledge in your mind which could record that fact. Is not brain a small thing trying to question too many things for which it is not even made to contain and receive the fact? But the fact is that it has the ability to perceive such a question. It is quick to fear and assume facts which do not exist. But it not able to perceive those facts which could answer many of its questions. It can perceive unconceivable. It can not perceive some truth. Or it may also be possible that the brain is given the wrong type of training to perceive the ideas. The language seems to be the culprit. This sound and sight based symbols are a big hindrance. There can be another capability in the brain to perceive the world. Is it intuition?
What type of the day that would be when the man would learn the actual dimension of the space. What would be that symbols and sounds that could convey the fact of the actual dimension of the space.
It has also raised the question that how we are using our time? Are we really utilizing our time? Is it that we are enjoying a luxury of living the life which actually is meant to do something different. Can an illiterate person do all such talks in writing? No he can not do that. However he can think about it. I may forget after sometime the feelings and sensations, which I have experienced after the Hubbell experience and may not be able to restart them at the same wavelength. Even now while I am writing the sensation and tone of the sensation which I was feeling while thinking about all such things is not the same. When I have started writing it had toned down. But an illiterate may have the capability to do it again and again and get his results fixed in mind. I am not capable of fixing many results of my musing. It is why that I have started writing it. I claim that many a time I have reached such level of perception and mind processes and reached such facts which could be claimed a godly achievements. But now I do not have them. And what am I now? Nothing! If ever I had them then I would have changed. But I am the same common level man.

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