Sunday, December 20, 2015

Rubik Puzzle of Thought

          The Thought, the Space and the Time are abstract but true. The Real is a mirage. The Real is confined by Time, Space and Thought.

       The Real and the True are not same.

        Now there is an issue. What is the benefit of learning the ultimate truth? If you know it and possess it, then you become ultimate. Do you want it to rule over others? God is ultimate. He rules. Now you want to enact him. Is that the true definition and nature of God?

       The Real is as true as the ultimate truth is.

      Now the paradigm changes.

     There is Space, Time and Thought. Now in changed paradigm the Real pervades. The Real is offshoot of the trinity. But it gets the precedence.

    You need power, money and dominance. But they are not permanent. The change sets in.

The change is the true nature of the Trinity. They are abstract but they change. The change here is not the factor of time and space. Yes.

Does the above observation resolve any of my problem? No.

Any further elaboration on above observations may be a play in verbosity. The cauldron of words arranged grammatically may impart some enjoyment and nothing more. It will be merely an entertainment.

There is a need for substantial act and gain. In ultimate analysis it demands power to effect profitable and fruitful changes. Time, Space, Thought and the Reality are mere smudges of ink on pages. It does not resolve anything in the Real.

For some days, after writing above lines, the relation between four identities that are Thought, Time, Space and Reality continue to reverberate my mind. I did not want to write it but it is giving me sense of such mechanisms that the possibility of 'fruitful and profitable' is seen achievable. On the third or fourth reading, I found that I had enunciated a principle of change pervading all the four.

However, the idea started with the trinity. I remember that while writing the original thought I had first given importance to Thought. In the written piece, I betrayed the perception that all that had been written, is useless. Even the thought was not accepted as ultimate.

Now the actual thought which had made me to write this has made me to continue to write it.

The Time and the Space are mere creation of the Thought. There are many scholars and philosophers and industrial and commercially viable and established faculties, which have worked and thought upon time. Mathematics may define both of them in established terms and may declare an end to the debate. Similarly Physicists may also have their version and command the right over the debate. However, I am exercising the idea of freedom. I do not want research it. I want to reason it out. I want to use the a posteriori approach. I accept that I may get better picture and clarity if I review the existing literature. However, as a process, it is commendable, desirable and practical. But, I find it a fashion,a fad, a hindrance. I want to reveal, whatsoever, I perceive. I can not declare that it is original. I am of the inference that all the knowledge is a discovery. It can not be produced and invented. You merely discover it. All innovations are discoveries.

Straight to the Point:

Time has a dimension. Your are on a tread mill. You want to clock 15 minutes. Your body is refusing to persist and continue. You find that machine clock is running slow. You touch 13 minutes. Now 120 seconds are left. The count continues slowly. You have to run merely for next two minutes. However those 2 minutes, those 120 seconds and sometimes the last five seconds are such, you feel as if they would never end. You get the perception of two minutes. You know that how long it is. However, in day to day life, you waste such a chunk of time doing nothing. You wait for numerous things in as many set of minutes. Suddenly you realise that you are living time. But what actually is this time? The Physicists talk about nano seconds. They talk about the one thousand part of a second. The common stop watch clocks 1/100 part of a second. The physicist can tell that how much that time matters. They can demonstrate that time quantity is highly crucial. But what is it? You merely compare a thing with something and suddenly learn that there is a dimension in that comparison and that it time.

On the other hand astronomers measure time in light years. I do not understand the complete implication for my thought process. For me, a light year is basically used for measuring the distance. No doubt, it is a measure and quantity of time. Therefore, it gives an idea of quantity. Similarly a person generally lives for 80 years. He struggles to resolve confusion. He struggles to seek answers to the questions which defy answers. He passes away but the same set of question remain. The answers are sought and acquired but the question remains. The question is , what the time is? But this query comes in thought. A person passes away but the thought remains.

So, time can be light years and nano second. A person experiences it. However, what is it? The person never knows. It remains in thought. The Physicist, Astronomer and Mathematician may have their construct and the stop with that. They continue to show and demonstrate. But they know that they do not know. They do not know what the time is.

A person can not be at two places at the same time. In teleconference, this proposition is dismantled. But if the real nature of the time can be captured, a person can be at multiple places at the same time. For a quantity of nano seconds, he may be at a place A and for another set, he can be at a place B and for other at C and so on. In this way he can be at number of places in a given time. It is like fire. It can be here and it can be there. It is a phenomena but is the actual fire can be at the number of places at the same time? That is the question. Similarly, the time is a perception held and felt in thought.

(to be continued)

1 comment:

  1. The above post is long. It will be published in full in future.
