Saturday, October 08, 2005

Factor of Eight and India

Today, in the morning, India was shaken by an earthquake. The epicentre of the quake was in Muzzafrabad in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. The date is October 8, 2005 or 8-10-2005. The total of the numerals in the date is 7. It is 8+10+2005; that is 8+1+7 and that is 16 and finally 7. They are two numbers i.e. 8 and 7 in that order.

On December 26, 2004, the southern shores of India was hit by Tsunami. Again the date was 2+6 equal to 8. In this case also that the date was 26+12+2004. It makes 8+3+6 and which adds up in the order to the total of 17 and finally 8.

On another date, that is January 26, 2002, Bhuj was visited by an earthquake. Again the total of the date was 8. The total of the numerals in the date was 26-01-2002. It adds to 8+1+4 and it makes 13 and finally 4.

In the coming days, the dates 17 October, 2005 and 26 October, 2005 will make the same total.

Another date, that was August 17, 1988 was another important date when Zia-ul-Haq, the then Military President of Pakistan died in an air crash.

Well there is no scientific basis to predict the natural calamities or historic events. However, such patterns do emerge. The numerologists may stand up and give justifications and patterns behind it. The astrologers may also join in. However, there are no ascertainable basis for such numbers and their correlation with events. You can not predict that when an earthquake emerge.

On the other hand, August 8, 1942 is considered as an important date in the freedom struggle of India when Quit India was announced. There are many scientists who were born on a date which added to the total of eight or the date was eight.

The issue of date eight had emerged when Tsunami visited. But if we take this argument further in the year 2006, eight will emerge number of times. In that case, 2006 would see many startling events. It is difficult to say whether they would be natural calamities or the historic events. But the factor of eight continues to reappear.

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