Just for general interest. Requires earliest review.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Friday, May 20, 2005
Are You Ready
(Refer here to A New Discovery – A relieving letter, Friday, December 08, 2000 5:05:54 AM.)
I still believe in the existence of god. My god is not what the set of values the society profess. My god is a center of power which is there to help you and work for you. Rather you are here to use him. Just use him. You act like Dr. Fastus. You god is not a satin. He is god. He will show the right path. He is not bound by the values as professed by the society. He helps those who help themselves. He is having his own way of rewarding. He does not evaluate you as per the standards of the society. If you try to be humble it is not that you do it to appease the god. You act in that manner only to appease the society. If you want to appease the god then do that what the people whose names are recorded in history had done. Just achieve whatsoever you want to achieve.
Demand from the god. Sit and ask for his help and then start working. He would help you. He is the real creator. He is the real doer. Be his medium. Be his machine. Do not think much. Have faith in Him. He knows all. He is just waiting for you to identify him. He does not reveal himself in scriptures. He reveals himself directly to the seeker. The books written about the saints are written by men. Nanak did not speak to appease the people. He was rather chiding the people. Did Chaitanya care what the people were saying about him? People call such people as mad. They call Hitler an oppressor. They praise Mahatma Gandhi. But try to see the clippings. What message do they give? Was not Nehru as great as Gandhi was? People would like to call Mahatma Gandhi a saint but not Nehru. The simple soldier who dies on the border is not the saint but Gandhi is. This is what the fact is. Be a real soldier. Soldier dies may be for his bread or his nation. He is called a martyr. He is not called a saint. So do not think much what the scriptures say. Believe in yourself. Believe it that you have discovered the real truth. Achieve the uncharted success. Buddha claims to have learned about the real truth. Mahavira claimed to have learned about the real truth. But in what form do you find their followers. The Jains are rich. What actually do they do? They are sought not because they are the followers of Jainism but because of their money. Where are the Buddhists? They are admired because they had the esoteric powers. What about Tibet? Is Buddha not helping them? Is Shangila of no help to them?
Keep on reading more and more history. Just do not remain confined to Indian history. Learn about the history of other nations and other people. Learn about other subjects also.
Develop the idea given in this write up. Do not get worried my what is happening between you and them. Just believe in yourself. ---------------------------------------- (Personal lines omitted). Why do you wait that God would do the justice? ------------------ (Personal Lines omitted). Do you see that schemer? It seems that he also have the similar thoughts. It is why that when he has to attend to his agenda he justifies his entire act in the name of necessity.
Why do you try the unimaginable today? Be strict with your self also. ARE YOU READY?
Old Bag
It is the only real truth. You say your thing forcefully. You make your own virtues. You free yourself from the set of values which the society is professing. You try to discern the real set of values. They are based on opportunism.
I still believe in the existence of god. My god is not what the set of values the society profess. My god is a center of power which is there to help you and work for you. Rather you are here to use him. Just use him. You act like Dr. Fastus. You god is not a satin. He is god. He will show the right path. He is not bound by the values as professed by the society. He helps those who help themselves. He is having his own way of rewarding. He does not evaluate you as per the standards of the society. If you try to be humble it is not that you do it to appease the god. You act in that manner only to appease the society. If you want to appease the god then do that what the people whose names are recorded in history had done. Just achieve whatsoever you want to achieve.
Demand from the god. Sit and ask for his help and then start working. He would help you. He is the real creator. He is the real doer. Be his medium. Be his machine. Do not think much. Have faith in Him. He knows all. He is just waiting for you to identify him. He does not reveal himself in scriptures. He reveals himself directly to the seeker. The books written about the saints are written by men. Nanak did not speak to appease the people. He was rather chiding the people. Did Chaitanya care what the people were saying about him? People call such people as mad. They call Hitler an oppressor. They praise Mahatma Gandhi. But try to see the clippings. What message do they give? Was not Nehru as great as Gandhi was? People would like to call Mahatma Gandhi a saint but not Nehru. The simple soldier who dies on the border is not the saint but Gandhi is. This is what the fact is. Be a real soldier. Soldier dies may be for his bread or his nation. He is called a martyr. He is not called a saint. So do not think much what the scriptures say. Believe in yourself. Believe it that you have discovered the real truth. Achieve the uncharted success. Buddha claims to have learned about the real truth. Mahavira claimed to have learned about the real truth. But in what form do you find their followers. The Jains are rich. What actually do they do? They are sought not because they are the followers of Jainism but because of their money. Where are the Buddhists? They are admired because they had the esoteric powers. What about Tibet? Is Buddha not helping them? Is Shangila of no help to them?
Keep on reading more and more history. Just do not remain confined to Indian history. Learn about the history of other nations and other people. Learn about other subjects also.
Develop the idea given in this write up. Do not get worried my what is happening between you and them. Just believe in yourself. ---------------------------------------- (Personal lines omitted). Why do you wait that God would do the justice? ------------------ (Personal Lines omitted). Do you see that schemer? It seems that he also have the similar thoughts. It is why that when he has to attend to his agenda he justifies his entire act in the name of necessity.
Why do you try the unimaginable today? Be strict with your self also. ARE YOU READY?
Old Bag
Expression on History reading. Wednesday, July 11, 2001
I read about Peter of Russia from Fisher. What is written on him? It was a story of a man who did not have virtue. He had the courage. He lived to kill.
What actually is recorded in history? it is always similar type of records. They are the records of the men who had invaded, oppressed killed and ravaged. They are admired even for their inhuman acts. They are shown to have brought civilization towards perfection.
What is happening even today? There are rich and poor people. There are oppressed and oppressors. The system of government virtually suffocates. It is not for the benefit of the man. It is just providing a situation in which you can live for the next day. If you want to achieve something you should be oppressive, scheming and lucky. If you are not lucky then you just cry because of the pain. Riots take place. People are killed. A man with money ride over you. People try to acquire power not because they have divine origin but it is useful to be in power. The human beings keep on living under the mirage of living a better tomorrow. The saints fool you. They say that god is there so be nice.
Old Bag
What actually is recorded in history? it is always similar type of records. They are the records of the men who had invaded, oppressed killed and ravaged. They are admired even for their inhuman acts. They are shown to have brought civilization towards perfection.
What is happening even today? There are rich and poor people. There are oppressed and oppressors. The system of government virtually suffocates. It is not for the benefit of the man. It is just providing a situation in which you can live for the next day. If you want to achieve something you should be oppressive, scheming and lucky. If you are not lucky then you just cry because of the pain. Riots take place. People are killed. A man with money ride over you. People try to acquire power not because they have divine origin but it is useful to be in power. The human beings keep on living under the mirage of living a better tomorrow. The saints fool you. They say that god is there so be nice.
Old Bag
Thoughtless Me Or HE
Inspite of the earlier experiences, the man is prone to repeat his mistakes. It is mark of some a major flaw in the personality of the person. The main reasons of such causes are his earlier training and experiences especially form his childhood years. When the man becomes mature, he realises and discovers the flaws but he finds it difficult to overcome them.
The solution to his problems can only be found in the strict discipline.
Other way out is stoic approach to one own self.
The third approach is the psychological approach.
In any case, only his own will power can provide the protection from the maladies from which the man is suffering. The question of will power is bit mystic in nature. It takes one to the question of God. God worship then becomes one more solution. The god affairs give the hint of delays. It does not result into immediate result and rather it works with lot of procrastination, which rather increase the problem of the man.
In defence of God, it can be said that the creator does not go against his own creation. The laws, which he had made, he permits them to work and does not interfere in them. If the person is suffering from the maladies, it is he who is to blame.
But the person would like to ask the question, that first of all why he was not informed of the liabilities of the action on his part. He would like to argue that if he was doing any thing as per the law of the nature and then why was there no caution. Why was he not told about the language by which he could judge and understand the liabilities? Why are the remedies so difficult? Why are the remedies not readily made available to him? All these questions have strength and validity.
It seems that the human existence is a punishment. In it, there is chance of partiality. Some of the people get the access to the remedies and easily get themselves absolved of their liabilities and others are intentionally made to suffer. Why does every one not get the food? Why minimum required facilities are not available to every one? Why am I better than him but worst than him? It seems that even the God is not fully perfect.
Old Bag
Walking Theories
For some days I have been again going for walk. It is a good experience. On the walk I am getting the mystic thoughts once again. I had been passing through the phase of acute procrastination. It was as a remedy that I had started the walk again. On the walk I am again getting the thoughts which I call the mystic thoughts.
I ponder upon the real nature of life. I try to understand the real nature of soul and the human existence. During the internal discourse I get the new vision this time. I am able to conclude that all the confusion about the validity of the soul and spirituality is the result of the confusion of the brain or the carnal existence. That confusion is normal feature of the carnal existence. There is existence of soul and all the souls are equal. Those who seem to be totally manipulative, abusive and lecherous are just responding to the confusions of the carnal existence. They all suffer from the inner fight of soul and the human existence.
The theory of this confusion is based on other theory. The main theory is that whatsoever has its beginning in birth, it will ultimately perish. The thing which is born is always in flux. As it is said in Buddhism that you are different from what you were a second before. Anything which is passing through this existence of birth and death, will suffer the confusion. That which is born, marches strongly towards its end. Therefore, whatever is true for it for this second, it does not remain true with the next second. Buddha said to Ananda, "See what is here in my hand is true. The leaves which are lying on the ground were true. The leaves on the tree are true. But our perception of truth is confined only to those leaves which are in our hand. Hence, anything which is flux, it bound to change and this change is cause of confusion.
Another theory which I have developed during the internal discourse is that the nature is all a result of soul. The man’s soul and the soul of nature are at perennial competition with each other. The nature tries to impose her forces on the carnal existence which is her creation. The soul which gives life try to use the time of her existence in the carnal form and is given the task to become stronger than the soul of the nature. The scientists try to overcome the shortcomings of the nature or try to understand the laws of nature in order to settle their confusion. In the process they learn about the weakness in their understanding. They are trying to get the material knowledge but it is the silent existence in them which is most benefited from the efforts of the brain which again is a carnal and perishable existence. When the scientist dies, he is not able to enjoy the fruits of his discoveries. It is his successors who are benefited from the knowledge which he had gathered from the womb of nature. It is wrong to say that he had lost all when he dies. Actually, it his soul which is benefited from his efforts. The other souls try to get the benefit from the knowledge which he leaves behind for the posterity.
With in few years we are going to gather so much knowledge about the nature that no one man can in his life time be able to learn whole of the knowledge which the humanity is able to gather through her scientific procedures. Does that mean that after some time we will be not able to benefited from the knowledge gather from science. No it is not true. It is the soul which is benefited from the knowledge and when that soul again come back to the earth it will be in a position to enjoy that knowledge. Actually the soul of the nature is the standard for the soul living in carnal existences to achieve.
Old Bag
Thursday, May 19, 2005
It is better not to seek some answers
Such questions should never be asked answer to which might destroy some existing setup. Was the creation of Pakistan justified? Now if the answer to such question is negative, then what will be the result? Pakistan is in existence for fifty two years by now. They had raised such people who are there because Pakistan is there. Then should one avoid asking this question? The answer to the first question can be big no. But should the question still be asked? The answer to the preceding question is yes. Today if some answer negates the existence of any setup, then we are enough mature to decide the fate of the existence of the existing structure in fruitful manner. If the answer to the question of the justification of the Pakistan is negative, then the question will be to give a justification to the present setup of Pakistan. But then, numerous questions will also emerge which will defy any answer. However, even then answer should be sought to such questions answer to which may destroy the present structure.
Should a husband or a wife inquire about the extramarital relations of their spouses? In this case, answer can be negative. It is question of individual preferences. A person may digest a possibility of extramarital relation of his or her spouse, but not everyone should be expected to behave in the similar manner. In that case, a particular solution is expected. If that solution is expected, then some one say, that if you are going to accept the extramarital relation of your spouse then where is the question of inquiring about the possibility of the existence of extramarital relation of your spouse. Then the question and possibility will rise to give the justification to the concept of the extramarital relation. The argument will be sought from the antiquity. Hence, it is better not to learn about such questions and their answers, which may destroy the existence of the present setup.
No doubt, If you dislike duality and seek truth, then sometime the truth hurts.
Category: OLD BAG
Category: OLD BAG
Assumption is the Real Truth
I am convinced of the existence of something near to soul. This is the only level to which I have reached. I have the impression that there is further place to go over but I am not just qualified to reach there. Why do I believe in soul? The conclusion is based on the circumstantial evidences, experiences in spiritualism, and the logic. The logic worked on the bases of assumption. My faith in the existence of soul is also logical hence, based on assumption. Those who refute to accept the existence of soul, they also base their conclusion on assumption. You change the selection of your assumption and you may be atheist or theist on the same hand.
Category: OLD BAG
Category: OLD BAG
We Have Defined HIM Wrongly
We have wrong definition of god with us. This had lead to confusion. The idea arose after reading the comment of an earthquake victim in Taiwan. He said that why the god had punished the Taiwan people. If we accept that it was the act of God to punish the Taiwanese, then we find God as some thing of an oppressor. However, it is not so. We are carrying our own image of God. We are defining him from out of our own angle and logic. He has bigger designs. He has his own logic. He does not have the same value system, which we propagate and try to attach to the name of God. His ways are beyond our understanding. It is from him that we seek our property and wealth. If the act of nature destroy that prosperity and wealth we complaint against the wrong methods of God. What will we do after wards? We again pray to god to give us the more prosperity and wealth. However, before that we complaint that he had snatched it from us. Then we seek back our property from him. If we get it back, we thank him. If we do not get it back, we can not do anything. The death takes place and we go to the next stage, which give us new aspirations and new aims.
Are we really sure we go to the next stage? It is what we are struggling with. We have the feeling of the existence of god. We do not know the real plans of the God. We do not know that he works with his own logic. We may go next stage or we just end with this life. It is not clear.
Now it was same when Tsunami took place.
Category: OLD BAG
When God Turns His Back on You
God has given the time and opportunities. Every opportunity requires the time to accomplish before it is completed. If you are not able to judge the opportunity, you loose it. If you try to postpone its completion, it is lost to you. If you do not perform the job or allocate the time the moment you was able to learn about it, then the time which god had allocated for it passed away. If you try to complete it some other time, you are cutting into time of some other job or trying to take the time of some other job. In this manner, you lose. You also create hurdles in the path and designs of the god. God gave you birth with special purpose for you. You failed to perform that role which god had allocated for you. God gets disinterested in you and switch over to other options or the alternative options, which he had made. It is why that some one had said that the lucky are those person who were at the right place at the right time. If you did not succeed and found some worthless man on the successful position, then it is not that god had done some wrong thing or the calculation, but it was default on the part of the person in whom he had reposed faith.
If you are not able to perform the job, it is because you had defaulted in allocating the right time to the different opportunities and frittered away the time. Now when you learned that you had remained behind, you suffer the frustration. For this, you should pray to god to take you again in his important design. When you have learned this secret then now you should remain very conscious.
Category: OLD BAG
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Why did I not make it to IAS
Prefatory Note: It is an edited form of letter to one of my friend. He has become my friend through my blog at He wrote me a letter to which I gave a reply and that is reproduced below at the end of this note.
As the motive of this blog is personal aggrandizement and ego satisfaction, I am reproducing that letter below just because somewhere it brings out those features of personality traits which can be called the real grit and mettel in me. I considered this letter a personal thing and had thought of writing another post for based on the contents of this letter. I did not want to post it at all as I wanted to keep it between me and my friend. However, yesterday, I visited one of my acquaintances, who had cleared civil services 2004. While we were rejoicing in his success, his friend also arrived who had also taken examination along with him. He had also faced the interview. His name has not appeared in the final list. He was very dejected.
I really felt pain for that person, who is a medical practitioner, when I learnt that it was his fourth and the last chance. He had appeared for the interview for the third time. It was in itself an achievement.
The father of the successful candidate tried to console the doctor. But the doctor became suddenly very melancholic and sad. He was cursing his stars. He recollected, that how at the time of his selection to MBBS also, he suffered like that. He remembered that during last two chances also he had missed by couple of marks. He said that he might have suffered due to some lesser score in one of the elective paper and he was also not very enthusiastic about the interview as he said that it had not gone well.
When he was repenting like that, suddenly I felt that these were the very feelings which I had suffered when I failed. The very reasons, the cursing of his stars, the previous failures have reflected on his performance. It was similar feelings when I suffered just two months before the Mains which had destroyed my chances.
There are many reasons when you do not achieve success. But, there are many factors which are in your hand and you fail to manage them well and you fail. His melancholic mood, his sadness, his negative talks were such which prompted me that I should place these feelings on blogs. It is meant for but it is something mere personal talk. Therefore, I am putting here and will give link on It is another aspect which matters in ensuring your success. Apart from doing hard work by preparing different topics of the elective subject and showing persistency in your preparations, the civil services aspirants should also be very particular in disciplining their emotional life. It is also part of organising and planning for the success. There letter which I am reproducing below, was written when the person to whom it was addressed just showed nerves around April 17, 2005, nearly a month before the day of examination. Now when General Studies paper was bit tough this years, such type of mental phases could have become a big hindrance in achieving success.
Hence, apart from preparing for the syllabus, One should also discipline his mood and mental states. That is must. I would like to call it:
Emotion Management : A Key to Success
Anyhow I am reproducing the letter below.
The Letter:
Your letter always remained in my mind and while walking, driving or taking food, I kept on thinking about the contents of a letter to you.
The D Day is approaching and you may also be hard pressed for the time but I wish that you must go through this letter.
First of all the main query:
I clearly remember that I have attempted 98 correct answers in history when I last cleared Prelims. There was enough time for the elective subject. I remember that after answering 98 questions at the very first reading, I had marked the answers there and then when I read them. I was left with lot of time. There was full clarity and movement I read it, I just looked for the right option.
After completing them, I again read the remaining questions, and believe me, I remembered that I did not know the answers to nearly eight of the questions. There were five such questions about which I did not have any idea. I left them and marked only 115 questions. After coming out of the examination hall, when I checked them, I was sure that my 108 questions were correct. In Punjab, one Mr. Vinod Sharma in Patiala is quite popular for coaching for civil services. I visited him and he identified that I had marked 112 correct answer. I remember that I had made marks on those question which I have tried after answering the first 98 question. Vinod Sharma remarked that 92 correct was safe and assured me that I should better start preparing for the mains as I was sure to clear the prelims if I am having 112 correct answer.
In case of general studies, I remembered that , that I have marked 105 correct answers. You do not get time during the examination of General studies to have a spot analysis of the GS paper. Remember that. If this your second attempt, then I hope you know that what I am saying. On the whole, as per Vinod Sharma, I had marked 125 correct answer. I remember that there were mere guess work on the remaining 45 questions and I did not have any clear idea about the questions. I just marked them after making qualified quess.
This much about the performance.
The Method of Marking:
I believe that I must talk about how to mark answers in the examination hall.
I had adopted a particular plan. I used to read the questions on one page and placed a mark against the correct answer without marking it on the OMR answer Sheet. The invigilator earlier used to object to it but now when you are allowed to take back the question papers, I think, if any invigilator stop you from doing it, then ignore it. Once I was highly obstructed by one invigilator for doing that. I do not know any guidelines about it but I think there is no objection by the Commission if you place some marks on the question paper.
After I read one page, I used to mark the OMR sheet. There are usually five to six questions on one page. This is a useful way of doing it.
Remember, In case of General studies, you are not able to complete the whole paper if you read the whole question paper. Just read one page. Identify the right option and then mark OMR. Do not adopt to mark one question at a time. It takes more time. Secondly, It can became a cause of wrong marking. This thing had happened with me. You want to mark an answer to question no 15 but there in stressful condition, You may mark it on 45. It happens. Be careful about such things. If you adopt marking a group of questions then such a possibility is minimised. If you have some better idea, then share it with me.
Now about the nerves:
Now this another major problem. I am sure it happens with all the candidates and the candidate who will top in 2006 must be undergoing the same mental state. That is other thing, that after getting success you may throw air around you and say anything about your confidence. You quote many phrases on success here but the fact is, the fear, the fear of loosing is the main characteristic of human life. It is there with every one.
Now let me start on different lines. You know that I am not an IAS. I tried and I failed. I succeeded to write mains but I failed. I failed after reaching the final post. Why did I fai?
I can give many justifications for that but the fact is, I am not an IAS. I may keep on repenting and finding faults for giving justifications, but it me only who suffers. It does not effect body at all. I have to just live with it.
But I must face it and learn that where it went wrong.
Now nearly ten years have passed and I am mature to face some shortcomings in me. The first shortcoming which I have identified is that I become nervous. Now that is the shortcoming. Now today, when I share this pain with you, I can not do anything about it. This pain will remain there. There was nobody around me to share my jitteriness at that time. You have shared it with me but there was no one there near me at that time. So, it is the major culprit. Do not say that I am jittery. You are stressed. Stress should be there. It helps to bring out the potential in you. The way you manage this stress and continue to work as per the plans and have faith in whatsoever you are doing, all such things will decide your success.
Now nearly ten years have passed and I am mature to face some shortcomings in me. The first shortcoming which I have identified is that I become nervous. Now that is the shortcoming. Now today, when I share this pain with you, I can not do anything about it. This pain will remain there. There was nobody around me to share my jitteriness at that time. You have shared it with me but there was no one there near me at that time. So, it is the major culprit. Do not say that I am jittery. You are stressed. Stress should be there. It helps to bring out the potential in you. The way you manage this stress and continue to work as per the plans and have faith in whatsoever you are doing, all such things will decide your success.
I still remember that when I was preparing for the mains, the floods came in Patiala where I had gone to prepare for mains. It took away nearly a week away from me. I shifted back to my native place in Jalandhar in the month of September. Something happened in my family (something personal) which pushed me into a gloomy mood. I remember that I did not study whole of October. I started somewhere again in November. I obtained 937 marks. I obtained 290 in sociology. (approx. , marklist is with me but it is somewhere in the huge mount of papers which are with me.) I failed miserably in General Studies. Only in history I had obtained 335. I also obtained less marks in essay. I failed.
Now when I look into the notes which I have prepared for sociology and history, I just feel like weeping. Those two months in which I did not study, just changed the whole course of my life. The culprit was that I did not behave in a mature manner. There are many things in life which happens and disturb you but a mature person never takes off his eye from his goal. When I look into the notes which I have made at that time, You can imagine what goes on in my mind. I had prepared notes on all such topics which have been asked in the papers. It was just that I did not revised them and secondly I went gloomy for two months before the papers. Just look at the total. It was 927. Add two months into it, it could have given me 980 and I would have been there in the list.
So no these Jittery, Stress Flip Flop talks. Just shunt them out. Have only one emotion. The paper is there. You have covered a section of the syllabus. Have faith in you. Remember and concentrate what you have prepared. In case of general studies, continue to read the topics from different Refreshers and magazines. If you are writing your notes, (and You must do that even if you are keeping magazines with you, or if you have just copied it from the magazines) continue to add to it.
Remember 100+ in History, 110+ in General studies at the maximum 90+in history and 100+ in general ** a safe going and then start for the mains even before you get the result.
I have hurriedly written it because I have to leave again for my next duty. These are examination days in Punjab and I have to work as invigilator as well as evaluator also for which I have to move from one center to other.
One thing more:
You may find it amusing but now everything is required. Take the help of astrology. Ask you parents to get you kundli checked. Learn about the position of Sun and Jupiter (suyra, guru and budha) in you horoscope and do upayas accordingly. If you sun is in good house then surya archana and Jala must be given. Give green vegetables and chara to cows (buddha). keep you head covered with a cap (buddha). If is white cap, then it will more good. Kacchi Lassi (milk in water) on Shiva linga on Monday (Chandra and Buddha). Yellow laddoos (Bunddi) before the idol of Genesha in a temple (not at home) (Buddha and Rahu). Try them if you do not have time to consult an astrologer. Ask some one at your home to get your horoscope checked and seek upayas for maintaining confidence.
You may find my advice amusing but what is harm in taking this aspect in consideration at this stage.
You may find it amusing but now everything is required. Take the help of astrology. Ask you parents to get you kundli checked. Learn about the position of Sun and Jupiter (suyra, guru and budha) in you horoscope and do upayas accordingly. If you sun is in good house then surya archana and Jala must be given. Give green vegetables and chara to cows (buddha). keep you head covered with a cap (buddha). If is white cap, then it will more good. Kacchi Lassi (milk in water) on Shiva linga on Monday (Chandra and Buddha). Yellow laddoos (Bunddi) before the idol of Genesha in a temple (not at home) (Buddha and Rahu). Try them if you do not have time to consult an astrologer. Ask some one at your home to get your horoscope checked and seek upayas for maintaining confidence.
You may find my advice amusing but what is harm in taking this aspect in consideration at this stage.
I may write another letter also before May 15.
Another Peculiar Factor thing:
It may amuse many reader further. As I mentioned above, that we were rejoicing in the success of the friend, we also picked the issue that why his brother did not make it to civil services. He was more motivated. Secondly, he was more studious. He made it to medicine when this boy who has cleared civil services had failed to clear CET. His brother has cleared MLE and PLAB. He is becoming quite popular as a doctor.
The reasoning which emerged, may amuse many people but in my circle we believe in it.
The reason is "Nazar" or "BAD EYE". Yes, the similar one, which you usually find written at the back of each and every truck or public carrier vehicles. We reasoned that the doctor had told each and every person about his civil services preparation. He was clearing his medicine papers and he was also trying for civil service. Every one tried to learn how he was managing his preparation. Whereas, this boy has not revealed it to his nearest relatives about his preparation till his name appeared in the list of the successful candidates.
In short, Nazar and Hok ‘ka, Try to save yourself from these two curses. Do not let many people know that you are preparing it.
You may find it amusing. Well, I believe in it. I claim that I am a grown up man, mature and experienced person. I talk about logic and reason. Well, there are some facts, which defy reasoning. It is not a matter of choice. It is basically a limit of our reasoning faculties decided by nature herself. There are many things which defy explanation. The solution is not to reject them or escape from them or overlook them. Just do not let them go out of consideration. You may not give much importance to them but you should also not ignore them at all.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
(Prefatory Note: It has been written a long time back.)
Saturday, July 21, 2001, India.
I just saw the Hubbell episode on the Discovery channel. It has left me spell bound. It has raised many questions and anxiety in mind. I am feeling a typical pain in my toes. I am feeling somewhat relieved. It is totally a different experience. I do not want to call it a mystic experience. It is some thing different. It is something beyond. It is something even different and more beyond than the mystic experience.
What is the total expense of the space? Where is it suspended?
I have jumped to a conclusion that mind lives. When you die and shed the body, one thing remains and that is mind.
I feel that all of us were just taking birth again and again. We learn a quantity of knowledge in one birth and continue to acquire more in our next birth. The process goes on.
The experience of Hubbell has also given a new feeling of time. It has also given a new variety of perceptions. It can be explained and learned thus. Suppose you learn the expanse of the space. How will it be communicated to you? What would be the words which could convey the extent of the space. What would be the feeling and perception, which will help you to understand that what the expense of the space, is. It will be called Hubbell perception.
Some people may like to say that it is infinity. Even the idea of infinity is also finite. The infinity of the space, if you were able to learn, would be different kind of infinity. It would be Hubbell infinity.
Here a Vedic concept becomes very useful. The truth which then will be learned be such that you have nothing to learn after that. What will be that question which would give me the right answer about the extent of the space?
Here again the limitation of language is revealed. The words together give a perception. But the words have never been able to give the right truth. It is the discrimination power of the brain which keep you goading for learning the truth.
Problem will rise that what would be that set of words which would convey the real expanse of the space? Suppose you learn that it is not an ending thing. Then, can you perceive that what would be that knowledge that tells you that space is wide and wide without any end? It will give you an illogical situation.
However do you not feel that logic is not the right science? It is just a view that a thing or thought can be logical. Space without a limit idea is something which can not be perceived. Is our brain just not framed to perceive such a knowledge?
The question of omnipotent, self created, time less, unbounded god seems in reality a definition of the space. We have clouded it by making it in the mould of man. He is shown powerful not because he is powerful, it is the desire and need of the weak and fearful man who requires that kind of thing; A powerful and all wish fulfilling identity. He may not be like that.
The expanse of space and creation and death of planets and stars out of the mass of gases and particles seems to be very provocative. It is thrilling. Some particles where moving around unbounded with each other. They came together and my earth was born. Then I was born. Every thing continues to happen. Today I have come and now questioning why all this is happening. I know that I will go away. But I start questioning the very existence of the world as if I am the biggest judge and authority who could question anything.
Can you imagine that what would have taken place in you mind while thinking about such an unconceivable idea – the extent of the space? Words are not capable to write and convey about that. But the idea as it exist in mind is true. The words are able to capture them. Suppose you learn about the last limits or the limitless extent of the space. What will be the form of the idea and knowledge in your mind which could record that fact. Is not brain a small thing trying to question too many things for which it is not even made to contain and receive the fact? But the fact is that it has the ability to perceive such a question. It is quick to fear and assume facts which do not exist. But it not able to perceive those facts which could answer many of its questions. It can perceive unconceivable. It can not perceive some truth. Or it may also be possible that the brain is given the wrong type of training to perceive the ideas. The language seems to be the culprit. This sound and sight based symbols are a big hindrance. There can be another capability in the brain to perceive the world. Is it intuition?
What type of the day that would be when the man would learn the actual dimension of the space. What would be that symbols and sounds that could convey the fact of the actual dimension of the space.
It has also raised the question that how we are using our time? Are we really utilizing our time? Is it that we are enjoying a luxury of living the life which actually is meant to do something different. Can an illiterate person do all such talks in writing? No he can not do that. However he can think about it. I may forget after sometime the feelings and sensations, which I have experienced after the Hubbell experience and may not be able to restart them at the same wavelength. Even now while I am writing the sensation and tone of the sensation which I was feeling while thinking about all such things is not the same. When I have started writing it had toned down. But an illiterate may have the capability to do it again and again and get his results fixed in mind. I am not capable of fixing many results of my musing. It is why that I have started writing it. I claim that many a time I have reached such level of perception and mind processes and reached such facts which could be claimed a godly achievements. But now I do not have them. And what am I now? Nothing! If ever I had them then I would have changed. But I am the same common level man.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
There is something in it.
Every one desires to talk about himself.
No one is ready to listen to others. Everyone tends to come to one line and that is that I did it or I am so and so or I faced it.
Here is a posting which is written in the same manner. But it is some thing totally different. It is a "Welcome Address by Subroto Bagchi, Chief Operating Officer, MindTree Consulting to the Class of 2006 on July 2, 2004 at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India on defining success" at
The whole address is about me, my and I, but it is not pedagogic and even then very refreshing and edifying.
There is something in it. The english, the diction and images are all Indian but the language is perfect. I may go to this post again and again. No, I will make a copy of it and read it again and again.
No one is ready to listen to others. Everyone tends to come to one line and that is that I did it or I am so and so or I faced it.
Here is a posting which is written in the same manner. But it is some thing totally different. It is a "Welcome Address by Subroto Bagchi, Chief Operating Officer, MindTree Consulting to the Class of 2006 on July 2, 2004 at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India on defining success" at
The whole address is about me, my and I, but it is not pedagogic and even then very refreshing and edifying.
There is something in it. The english, the diction and images are all Indian but the language is perfect. I may go to this post again and again. No, I will make a copy of it and read it again and again.
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