First of all I seek pardon if I am offending any of the reader by my diction and formation of the title. I am not much concerned about religion as such. I am not an atheist even. I do not consider myself noble and superior enough to comment on religion or religiosity. I am rather a most ignorant creature in the world who happens to live among the books or digitized facsimiles and pdfs. I am like a silver fish hiding in the bindings of the books and when anyone rearranges or opens the books, it runs for a cover in fear of death. I may be called an atheist but at present stage of my life, I wish to respect every religion. I may be critical of each religion but if someone calls me to pass a verdict if I am so sound in criticising every religion, then as a criminal who has realised his crime, I would seek an earnest pardon.
However, here I am quoting Lala Hardyal, who had in a way suggested a method to a select a religion in his book “Hints for self Culture”, chapter 1, page 10.
“Astronomy elevates and inspires your soul, and gives you the purest poetry of Science. Thus it develops your imagination and ennobles your emotional life. But it does much more. Now, it is of the first importance for a civilized man or woman to have some sound and scientific ideas about Cosmogony. False Cosmogony has been the basis of false religion and false re1igion is as dangerous for you as a pet snake. It is your duty to understand the scientific theories of the origin, evolution, and destiny of the Universe. All religions, from the crudest African fetishism to the most advanced modem cults, have taught some sort of Cosmogony. Their peculiar superstitions are always derived from their doctrines about the origin and destiny of the Universe. There lies the root of the evil. If you wish to choose a religion that will lead you to Truth and Life, and not to Error and Death, then you must first have the right notions about Cosmogony. If your Cosmogony is wrong, your religion will also be all wrong, and then yours will be a wasted life.
Astronomy will free your mind from your inherited superstitions in this respect.”
Astronomy will free your mind from your inherited superstitions in this respect.”